To request a refill of your prescription medication, call (207) 773-7964 and choose option 3. Please leave a message on our private voicemail, including your full name, the spelling of your last name, date of birth, name of medication, the strength and frequency taken, and the pharmacy’s name, street address, and town. Requests for refills of medications may take up to three (3) business days to be processed. You can also contact your pharmacy, and they will send an electronic request on your behalf.
* There may be delays with prescriptions refills received after 12:00PM on Fridays, weekends, and holidays or by the on-call physician.
Plan Ahead
- You should contact your pharmacy or our office and leave a voicemail 3-5 days before your medication is due to run out. If you use a mail-order company, please contact us 14 days before your medication is due to run out.
- Certain medications may require laboratory testing before they can be refilled, for example, Imuran, 6-mp, methotrexate, etc.
- We utilize strict controls for medications containing opioids. Opioids cannot be called into the pharmacy for refills. The patient must be seen in the office for these medications. Patients taking opioid medications cannot have the medication refilled until the prescription is fully expired. We will not fill urgent requests for narcotics after 12:00 PM on Fridays.