Our office hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. When calling for an appointment, please inform our patient service representative of the services you need so we can make the right arrangements.
Procedures are scheduled between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM, and we’ll do our best to find a time that works for you.
You can reach us at (207) 773-7964, option 2 for scheduling, or contact us through our Patient Portal. After scheduling, we’ll mail you a health questionnaire — please complete and return it before your visit.
We value your time and strive to see all patients promptly. Occasionally, we need to adjust the schedule for emergency cases, which might cause delays. We appreciate your understanding in these situations. Feel free to call us on the day of your appointment to check for any anticipated delays.
Thank you!
Rescheduling Appointments
If you need to cancel or reschedule, please inform us as soon as possible. To be considerate of other patients, we ask that you notify us at least five business days in advance.
Referrals and Insurance Coverage
Before your visit, be sure to obtain any referrals required by your insurance company. In most cases, this will involve a call to your primary care physician.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive later than your scheduled appointment time, you will be considered a late arrival. To ensure fairness to other patients, your provider will decide whether they can fit you in that day or if you will need to reschedule.
Missed Appointment Policy
Missed appointments are costly for both our practice and other patients, and they can pose serious health risks. To minimize disruptions and ensure fair access to care, we have a policy to charge for missed appointments. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify us at least three business days in advance for office visits/consultations and five business days for procedures. Missed appointment charges are your responsibility and will be billed directly to you. Repeated missed appointments may result in termination of your relationship with our practice.
Consultation/ Office Visit Missed Appointment Fee Schedule
- First Missed Appointment – Warning – no charge
- Second Missed Appointment – $100.00
- Third Missed Appointment – Possible termination from the practice
Procedure Missed Appointment Fee Schedule
- First Missed Procedure Appointment – $200.00 – will not reschedule until payment
- Second Missed Procedure Appointment – Possible termination from the practice